My Abortion and Pregnancy

My Story About Abortion and Pregnancy ES

I am a 31 yr. old, single white female. I am 7 1/2 months pregnant with a baby boy – his name is Samuel. This is my 1st pregnancy carried to term.

In July of 2011, I took a home pregnancy test and it was positive. Not sure what to do, my friend referred me to the (PCC). I called there and made an appointment for a pregnancy test – which was positive as well. I talked at length with one of the counselors, Talia, about the different options I had. She was very welcoming & helpful with resources and information. After a month or so of contemplating my situation – I decided in early September to terminate the pregnancy. Afterwards, I felt like it was the biggest mistake of my life & I swore to myself I would never go through that again. I became very withdrawn & depressed.

In January 2012, I started a new job & things got better. The clinic I had my procedure done at had given me 4 months of birth control, but to my surprise in February as soon as it lapsed, I was pregnant again. The exact same situation, only 6 months later. I thought of what I swore to myself before and again returned to the (PCC) for a pregnancy test. The counselor remembered me from before and we talked at length. I always felt so supported and cared for there.

I took my positive pregnancy verification right away and got on Medicaid & WIC. Being a client qualified me to participate in “Earn  While You Learn” class every Monday at the PCC. I have learned so much information about my own body and the baby, that I feel wouldn’t have been obtained so easily from books & magazines. I think everyone who is expecting would benefit from these classes. The baby boutique is just an added bonus and I have received everything I needed to bring a new life into this world. I did this all by myself – thanks to the PCC.

Not only are they there for material stuff  but I rely on them for moral support, as the father is not really involved. It is a sanctuary for me, and I loved coming to the classes. I have always felt good and accepted there. It has changed my life (soon to be changing even more). I am so grateful & thankful for all the valuable information and gifts, but most of all, that they helped me & supported me in my choice for life!

Thank you, PCC

(This testimonial was written to PCC after using the center’s services between 2012-2013. The name has been changed to protect the client’s privacy)

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