Our Services for Women
At Journey Clinic, we offer services for women who are sexually active, pregnant, considering an abortion or have had an abortion. We provide one-on-one advocacy, evidence-based education, nurse consultations, ultrasounds/referrals and post-abortion support, regardless of age, race, creed or station in life.
We are here to listen, to be your advocate, and to walk with you through any or all of these issues. No judgment, no condemnation. All of our services are completely free of charge and strictly confidential.
Services offered, free of charge, for…
Sexual Health
- Evidence-based Education on STDs
- Pregnancy testing
- Limited ultrasound exams and referrals
- Nurse Consultations
- Virtual Consultations
- Pregnancy testing
- Nurse consultations
- Limited ultrasound exams and referrals
- Evidence-based education about pregnancy
- Confidential, evidence-based education on choices for your pregnancy
- Community, medical, and practical resource referrals
Abortion Education
- Evidence-based education about abortion procedures
- Evidence-based education on all options available
- Support and resources for those who have had an abortion
Journey Clinic will provide you with caring, evidence-based education about abortion procedures. We do not perform abortions or give referrals to abortion facilities.
Click here to request an appointment online or call us today at 385-383-7144.